The 10 Secrets To Writing Every Day

10 Secrets On How To Write Every Day
Keeping a writing journal may spark memories of being a young kid and having a diary. Inside the diary, you may have written the latest schoolyard gossip, or perhaps just scribbled some mindless doodles. As you got older, the diary may have been abandoned as real life and responsibilities began to rear their head. Additionally, technology progressed, and computers became the keeper of words, with pen and paper slowly receding into the distance. Now, the idea of a writing journal may seem childish and primitive -- or is it?
If you find yourself in a slump, or you need to find an alternative way to keep the juices flowing, writing in a journal can be extremely beneficial for a variety of reasons. Journals let you freely express your emotions without requirements and can make the mundane turn exciting. If you want to know how to write more and improve your writing every day, look no further than the list below.
First and Foremost, Your Journal Is Your Friend
A writing journal is much more than just a book with blank pages -- it also acts as your friend. Stuck staring at a blank page on your computer? Your writing journal is ready to hear all about your frustration. Or rather, did you just wrap up a particularly long chapter and you're proud of your hard work? Express your happiness on a fresh sheet of paper. Doing this helps in two ways. Firstly, everyone knows that talking about your emotions can help relieve stress and leave your head and heart feeling lighter. Writing in a journal about how you feel certainly does the same, but it additionally adds the act of writing to the mix, making you feel productive as well. Secondly, you can always look back at previous entries to remind yourself of times you overcame hardship and succeeded. This can only help to inspire you on your writing journey, as you can keep track of all of your progress over time.
Any Time is the 'Write' Time
You may be wondering when the best time to write in your journal is. Another great benefit to keeping a journal is in the answer: Any time is the right time! If you're a morning person, a writing journal is a perfect opportunity to record any dreams you may have had from the night before or a way to set your goals for the day. If you peak in the afternoon, jotting down some thoughts in your journal may help you process your day so far. If you prefer, you can always write down some thoughts before drifting off to sleep. Get any frustrations off your chest, or maybe write down some reminders for tomorrow.
A Journal Helps You Process Your Day
Writing in a journal is immensely helpful in aiding you to process the events of your day. Did something incredible happen? Write it down and expand on every detail. Not only is this productive, but it also is exciting and can add even more color to your day. Have a mundane day filled with the usual routine? Write it out, but add something humorous in there. Change up some dialogue, add an exciting plot twist, or make up a character. What's great about writing daily events is that things happen to us every day, so there will never be a time that you run out of ideas. This activity will keep you consistently focused in your everyday life, as you will become more aware of the events that unfold around you and will automatically begin thinking of creative and insightful details. Inevitably, this kind of thinking will translate to your other writings as well.
Downtime Doesn't Have to be Boring
In case you often have mundane moments, such as a daily long commute, why not make it immensely more interesting by bringing your writing journal along? Writing in your journal during these moments of downtime is an excellent opportunity to make the potentially dull moments into fun ones. No ideas? Write about the settings and the people around you. It can be a straightforward observation, or you can add a little spice to the scenario. It might even turn into an idea for your piece!
There Are No Requirements Here
Your other work may have specific requirements such as a total word count, formatting demands, or a deadline to meet. These pressures can cause a strain on your creative flow, as the constant concern of meeting requirements is always at the forefront of your mind. With a writing journal, these concerns are non-existent. You can write as much or as little you would like. You can compose a lengthy short story or simply note down a word or two that you might find interesting. You can write forward, backward, in the corner of the page or smack dab in the middle -- there are no rules, and therefore you have complete freedom. This freedom can give you a nice break from the often rigid formats you may otherwise have to follow.
Don't Let the Ideas Escape You
Do you ever have those moments where a great idea for your work suddenly springs upon you, and you don't have a way to capture it? When you finally get around to having the chance to write it down, it's gone, and you're left disappointed. This never has to happen again with a writing journal. Instead, whenever inspiration hits, you will only have to pull out your writing journal and make a simple note, never having to rely on just memory alone again. Now, you can rest assured knowing that you will not forget that idea again.
Finally, No Distractions
As great as contemporary technology is, it comes with its caveats. Writing on a computer means the Internet is only a click away -- as are Youtube videos, Facebook, or cat gifs. These time-wasters can drag you away from your writing and leave you behind on your writing goals. With a journal, there are no additional distractions that can take your attention away. You are fully concentrated on writing, which helps to sharpen your focus and attention span -- two traits that will help consistently on your writing journey.
A Journal is a Great Communicator
Perhaps you've heard the advice that, when you are upset with someone, you should write out how you feel and what you wish you could say to them. This theory works even better with a journal. After you're done writing, you can perform the cathartic action of taking the page out, crumbling it up, and tossing it in the trash. Not only does this action provide a sense of relief, but it also helps you get closure on past issues that may have been distracting you, allowing you to focus on more present matters (such as your other writing!).
It Doesn't Only Have to Be up to You
Sometimes, you may not always be up to writing about your day or what emotions you may be experiencing. Fortunately, there is a solution to finding out what to write about in your journal. Online, you can have access to a plethora of writing prompts or journal guided entries. This material can help to get you started or provide some alternative writing outlets. Perhaps a prompt will initiate a unique short story, or a guided entry may suggest a particular emotional pathway for you to follow. The options are endless, and it can help kickstart your journal writing.
Lastly, Some of the Most Successful Authors Have Kept Journals
From Virginia Woolfe to Frank Kafka to David Sedaris, plenty of famous, successful authors kept writing journals at their side. Some of these authors have even used their journalistic musings in later works, from a short description, a single phrase, or a catchy word. Each author has also noted the psychological benefits of writing in a journal. If they had writer's block, they just wrote about it, letting the pen and paper do the talking. If your favorite authors found inspiration in daily writing, so can you!
As you can see, journal writing comes with plenty of advantages. A journal acts as a friend and a valuable tool to keep creative juices flowing. Whether it's there for the simple little thoughts or you use it for the more significant ideas. Additionally, it's always available and can be used at any time of day. If you are wondering how to write more and improve your writing, pick up a writing journal, and watch your perception of the everyday change!
Now It’s Your Turn
Grab your writing journal (see our journals at The Amazing Office) and start outlining … or not!
By the Way
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